Sunday, December 4, 2011

Carrot Pomegranate Juice


Pomegranate 1
Carrot 2
Tomato 1/ tbsp of Lemon juice
Honey 1 tsp (optional)
Sugar - as per your taste


Peel pomegranate to extract the juicy beads.
Blend this in your mixie with some water for some time just right enough so that the seeds are not blended. Take special care of this step.
Keep this aside.
Blend all the remaining ingredients well and add it to the prepared pomegranate juice.
Serve chilled or at room temperature.


  1. Lovely and unique combination of carrots and pomegranate.

  2. I love juicing and this looks like a delicious and healthy combo. Nice!

  3. Hey btw did you get the tomato and lime juice mixed up in your ingredient list. Do check :)

  4. @ plateful - You can either add tomato or limejuice..Its upto you..add lime if you like it more sour..:) Me and my daughter love it anyways..Do try

  5. THis is such a unique combination. I love pomegrante in all forms. A combination with carrot would be healthy and tasty..!
